Thursday, April 21, 2011

As you probably already know I like to dance to my own beat. Things are done a bit differently in my world. One of the things I take the most pride in are "my holidays". They are technically holidays for everybody but I like to recalibrate the importance of each holiday as I so desire. When it comes to April 22 I ,as M|A|R|R|S would say, "Pump Up The Volume". I love Earth Day. It is in my top 5 days of the year. Most people make resolutions once a year but I make them three times, New Years, my birthday (my new year), and Earth Day. This helps to keep me focused on the fact that we need to be CONTINUALLY resolving to better ourselves. This year I have a only one resolution. To me it will be huge because it will require that I make extra trips to... wherever you take this "stuff" to recycle. Maybe my first resolution should be to find out where one would take these items to be dropped off. Hehe. Just kidding.

Drum roll, please.


Here is a list of past Earth Day resolutions:
Recycle paper.
Plant flowers.
Use reusable bags at stores.
Pick up trash every time I see it and I can wash my hands shortly after.
Never litter.
Repurpose as many items as possible. (I try to be careful not to become a hoarder though. Hehe)

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